Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Matt's stage debut

"I Need a Little Christmas Vacation".

I am so proud of him! He obviously got his father's talent.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I am an email curmudgeon

I will readily admit to reading my junk email. A morbid curiosity overtakes me when I see "Sale! Buy Now" in the subject line. I can't help myself, I have to see what the next great deal is. I never buy them. I somehow don't ever think I will ever need a new vacation home in the Poconos, or a great time share deal near central Florida. I also don't need any male life enhancing drugs thank you very much.

The one email though, that I hate to see, is the chain email. Its been forwarded to a hundred other people and you. You probably don't even know the original writer. Most cases you don't want to know the original writer, particularly if they are so stupid that they believe if they send this email out they will receive cash. I can't believe in this day that people still believe this stuff and they won't take the time to check out the facts.

I got one today that if I forward it on Bill Gates will send me $245. He will also send $243 to whomever sent it to me, and $241 to whomever sent it to them. You get the idea. Apparently Bill Gates is rich, stupid and has time to check my email . I checked and of course in 30 seconds, I found out its a big joke.

What is wrong with you people? Stop it already! No more forwards!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Thanks Lambert and Lindsey show, Not!

Saturday night, George, the boys and I went to hear the Louisville Orchestra's Christmas Spectacular. It was wonderful, the music was just what I needed to get in the Christmas mood.

Matt and I had fun picking out the music that he knew. They played selections from A Charlie Brown Christmas, Matthew was pleased that he could recognize it. He knew a lot of the carols that they played and of course he sang along with Rudolph.

They played my favorite Christmas song, Carol of the Bells, a few bars in, Matthew turns to me very excited and says in his loudest whisper; "Mom! They're playing ding fries are done!"

What is wrong with you guys? You're ruining Christmas!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

We had a few days off.

I found this website from Office Max that will make you look and dance like an elf. It is too funny, and I enjoyed embarrassing my boys too. Take a look and embarrass someone you love too!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

I know what holiday it is, do you?

I know a lot of people gripe about the Christmas season starting too soon,(you know who you are Aaron) but really folks, it has gotten out of hand. I am not talking about early shopping, I have already gotten my list whittled down to the "hard" ones to buy for.

I am talking about the Christmas decorations that are already up. Yes, you read that right, I know several houses that have already decorated for Christmas. Today is the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. I think you should at least wait until the day after Thanksgiving. Even that is too early.

I don't mean the setting out the small indoor stuff, I am talking about the large blow up snow globes and decorated trees. Outdoor wreaths and red ribbons. Seriously decorating in my book.

The poor people down the street from me are so confused! They have pumpkins and Christmas wreaths out. I think they just combined the holidays into one giant Hallothanksmas season.

What is wrong with you people? One holiday at a time!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Get dressed already!

I was out Christmas shopping with my Mom today, and I was amazed at how people were dressed. We were out at lunchtime and we were seeing people dressed in pajamas. We saw one lady who not only was in here pajamas,(flannel with stars and moons)but she had on fuzzy slippers too. I had to look twice to make sure. When she turned her stroller around her daughter was in a footed pajama suit too.

According to George, this isn't uncommon, he sees a lot of people out and about in their pajamas. I can't decide if they do this because they don't want to get dressed in the morning or if they are saving time getting ready for be at night. Either way, its wrong. If you leave the house you should be dressed!

What is wrong with you people? Put some clothes on already!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Full contact shopping

I must admit, I have a highly developed sense of personal space and getting bumped by other people drives me right out of my mind. So, I usually do my grocery shopping when they are the least busy, just so I can keep my cart, and myself at a nice comfortable distance from other people. Yes, I realize how weird that sounds. Its hard to find a nice time to go shopping anymore, I may give it up until January at least.

Today, while shopping, I saw a couple (man and a woman) shopping as well. They were spooning while pushing their cart. She pushed the cart, and he did too. Yeah, right behind her, they had to walk in unison too. He was on top of her, like white on rice. I wanted to tell them to get a room but a stocker pushed a hand cart into my back, so I got distracted.

When I went to the cashier lane to check out, the bagger rushes up the aisle towards me. I pulled the cart back out of his way and he grabbed the front end. I thought we were going to have a tug of war right there. He started flinging my items onto the conveyor belt as the cashier snapped at me to give her my Kroger card. I stepped around my cart and handed it to her.

I tried to help unload my cart, but everything I touched, Mr. Bagger grabbed out of my hand. I gave up unloading and headed to the end of the aisle to bag my groceries. I had a few things bagged, when another bagger ran over and bumped me out of his way with his hip.

At this point, I was ready to go, they obviously didn't need me there, but wait, somebody had to pay for all this stuff. They let me do that. Funny, no one offered to help me to my car, they were all swarming the next person in line.

What is wrong with you people? Give me some room already!

Monday, November 5, 2007

Where's my sunshine?

Well, we just went through the ordeal of changing all the clocks in the house for daylight savings time. I don't think I saved anything. We have 5 wall clocks to change, the oven timer, microwave timer, all the TVs and dvr thingies. I just started on the watches. There goes my hour saved.

We do this because the smart people in the government say it gives us an hour more of daylight in the winter mornings. Its morning now, where's my sunshine?

What is wrong with you people? Daylight savings doesn't save anybody anything!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

That's so unfair!

We had to get a new cell phone for Zachary today. It only took 2 hours, so we felt lucky. It was a loooong time in the T-mobile store. Matthew loved looking at the phones and figuring out how to play the games. By the time we were ready to leave, he was convinced he needed to be the first 6 year old to have a cell phone. He was pretty disappointed we didn't agree.

As we were driving home, Zach was texting all his buddies about his new phone. He was enjoying hearing all the new ring tones too. He plans to get this girl's phone number with his new line "Hey, I have a new cell, and need to get your number in it." He thinks he is real smooth with the ladies now. Matthew was pretty envious he couldn't call his friends too.

From the back seat we hear very softly, "the pain, it burns". I didn't say anything at first, then a second later we hear a little louder: "the pain, it burrrrns me."
George and I look at each other, then to the back seat. "The paaaaiiin, it burrrrrns me." "If only I could have a phone like Zach's, it wouldn't burrrrrrn so much!"

What is wrong you people?

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Where am I?

In a previous post, I scoffed at people not being able to identify the US on a map. I was wrong, and I have serious doubts about our educational system now too.

We rent to a lot of college students, they never fail to tell me about it too. College is so hard. I have to study and I don't have time to pay my rent. Yesterday, I had to call a college girl about her delinquent rent again. I have to call her about every other month. Usually she has had a stressful week and forgot to send it. I then have to listen to how taking a test is soooo hard! I have little sympathy for her, she picks her own classes, if its so hard, she should try something else.

This month's excuse was a lot more fun than that. She explained to me that because her last test was soooo hard, her Mommy had "whisked her out of the country" for a vacation. She really said that "whisked out of the country". I politely asked where she went. She said they went "all the way to Puerto Rico". Yeah, I paused so long, she thought I hung up.

I asked her why didn't she mail it from Puerto Rico? She explained to me that being in a foreign country and all, she didn't trust the mail over there. I lost my no sarcasm promise right there. I said: "You realize that Puerto Rico is part of the United States right? and they have the same postal service we do. Things mailed from there take about 3 days to get here."

She said:" I'll just put my check in the mail today."

Yay for getting her to shut up! What is wrong with you people? Get a map college girl!

Monday, October 15, 2007

This means war!

Last week, Blanche, the other part timer in our office got a call. Apparently a check made out to our company was found in the parking lot of the building next door. The office manager who called was at first very nice but she wanted Blanche to come over to her office and pick it up. Blanche asked her to mail it as she is over 80 and didn't want to walk that far. The office manager refused and said we had to come pick it up in person with a letter of authorization saying we had the authority to pick up checks. Naturally, Blanche left the message for me to deal with as I am an expert in the weirdo department, plus I don't mind walking too much.
I called the very next day, talked to the office manager, and now we are at war. The lines have been drawn in the parking lot. Our conversation went something like this:
Me: Hi, This is Deanna, from (our company) and I hear you have found one of our tenants checks. I was just calling to see how we could go about getting it over here.
Idiot next door: Well, we'll have to have one of your business cards, and a letter of authorization from your company president saying you are authorized to handle checks for you company.
Me: Well, I don't have any business cards, I just work part time, and our "president" is on vacation this week. Can't I just run over and pick this up?
Idiot next door: No, I don't know that you work for that company or that they trust you with checks.
Me: Are you kidding me? This is a small office, its just Blanche, Me, and the "president". We handle all the checks between us.
Idiot next door: Well, I just can't hand this over to anyone. How do I know you even work there?
Me: You called here yesterday, how would I know you have it, if I don't work here?
Idiot next door: Well, the check stays in my desk until you get a letter of authorization and a business card.
What is wrong with you people?

Friday, October 5, 2007

Keep your germs away from my kid!

Matthew has a cold again. This is like his 4th since school started. I know its because other parents send their kids to school when they are sick, so the germs spread farther. Its equal opportunity sickness. My kids have it so yours should too.

So, for the long weekend, I get to deal with a snotty nose. When Matt isn't feeling well, he gets cranky and tends to stomp his feet. I have had to fuss more about foot stomping than any sane person should have to.

Today I told him for the 87th time to quit stomping around the house when he doesn't get his way. He explained he wasn't stomping, he was running real hard. I told him that running with attitude, is still stomping your feet. Its going to be a long weekend.

What is wrong with you people? When your kids are sick, keep them home.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Free the Tomatoes!

These are the tomatoes I wrote about 2 weeks ago. As you can see they are still un-picked and languishing on the vine.

Those poor, orphan tomatoes. They need me to pick them and turn them into a tasty salad or BLT.

Would it be wrong to sneak over there and pick them? I don't think these people would even notice. This is an obvious case of tomato neglect. I don't think anyone would think it was wrong if I liberated these beauties from their neglectful owners.

As you can see, I have thought about these guys for way too long. What is wrong with you people? Pick them already!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Quick! Look the other way!

The parks department is building a new walking path through Joe Creason Park. I can't wait for them to be done with it. I have walked in that park for years, and this is really going to be a great upgrade. No more wet shoes from walking in the dewy grass. No more tripping over tree roots. I will be there on opening day for sure.

Last night on our way home I noticed a lot of people already using the path. Quite a few of them had their dogs with them too. We stopped in the park for a little bit, Matt likes to play on the swings.

I was watching this lady with her dog, who was obviously doing its business. As soon as this dog dropped its behind, she looked the other way. At first I thought she didn't want to embarrass her dog. I guess maybe her dog was shy, and couldn't go if it was being watched. I know I don't like to go in public, maybe her dog has the same issues.

I thought that until I noticed every time the dog went, she looked the other way and then never looked back at what her dog did. I guess she thought if she didn't see it, she didn't have to clean it up. I didn't see it, so its not there. I don't know what she thought but after a couple of poos from her dog I began to see the pattern. Dog makes move to go, lady's head whips the other way. Once her dog was too quick, and I thought she was going to get whiplash.

I like dogs, I have a dog. I clean up after my dog. I don't think its very nice to leave little "presents" for other people to step in or have to clean up. What is wrong with you people?

Monday, October 1, 2007

You think that hurt?

I was at Matthew's soccer practice today and I overheard two men talking. I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but they were loud and right behind me. I couldn't not hear their conversation. They were comparing their weeks and one guy won, he passed a kidney stone.

He went on and on about how painful it was, and how long it took to pass. He didn't think he got enough pain medicine and he wasn't happy about it either. From the way he described the pain, I thought he must have passed a cantaloupe sized stone.

He told the other guy, he thought it was as big as an acorn or larger. He was quite surprised when the nurse showed it to him. It was so small he could hardly see it.

At this point, I could hardly contain my laughter, any woman could have talked him through that, we all know the drill. "Blow through the pain dear." or how about "It will all be worth it when you are done."

I wanted to tell them about the woman who just had her 5th baby. That in itself is a feat, but this one weighed 17 lbs!

Kidney stone? What is wrong with you people?

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Practice, practice, practice.

I was heading to Masterson's for a luncheon meeting today, and I was a little foggy on my directions. I haven't been to U of L in a long time, and as fast as its changing these days, you really need a map to get around.

Anyway, I took a wrong turn somewhere and ended up in the midst of campus. I figured I would see something that looked familiar soon, so I just kept driving. I got stuck in a parking lot, got turned around and ended up behind some dumpsters. I wasn't getting anywhere.

I finally recognized the Cardinal Inn, and saw some guys taking out the trash, I rolled my window down and said: "Excuse me, do you have any idea how I can get out of here?"

The guy said: "Well, first you have to study real hard and get good grades."

I left them laughing really hard. What is wrong with you people?

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Free the donuts!

I was surfing MSNBC news, and I saw this story on a senior citizens center in New York. Apparently senior citizens can't figure out how to eat healthy, so the city is going to control the amount of donated baked goods and pastries they get.

If these people are really concerned about health issues, why don't they look at what firefighters and policeman eat. I think it would be more important for the people who save lives to be in better shape than Grandpa. I don't want my firefighter giving out on me 3 floors up because he ate too many donuts. I don't think Grandpa's eating habits have the same impact.

So I guess you better not get caught giving Grandma donuts anymore, you might get taken out by those donut loving police officers. What is wrong with you people?

Monday, September 24, 2007

I'm mad at George but which one?

Lately, I have been having dreams about George, and not the good kind either. When I sleep with socks on and my feet get hot I tend to have these weird dreams. These dreams seem to be following a pattern, he invites me to something, and then ignores me when I get there. Or he doesn't notice me at all.

Last week in a dream he asked me to meet him at some fancy fundraiser. When I got there he was seated already at a full table. He told me I could sit at the table behind him by myself. In my dream Lynda made him move over and get me a chair so I could sit at the same table with them (thanks Lynda). Then I woke up mad at him. I think he deserves it.

Last night I dreamt about George Clooney and at first I thought what a welcome relief. Here is a good looking George that I am not mad at. It was a very detailed dream, I know what I was wearing, (a beautiful blue dress), and where we went to eat, (Limestone).

In this dream he picked me up in a cool sports car and we went to dinner. I remember thinking in my dream that this was going to be good. A good looking guy, nice car, I look nice, everything is in place for a most excellent dream.

Then George Clooney began to talk, and all he talked about was his pet pig. He went on and on about the darned thing. What color ribbon he liked to put around its neck. How he liked to bathe it in his hot tub. Things I don't really want to know about old George and his pig. I remember looking at my dress thinking it was wasted on this guy, if all he was interested in was pot bellied pigs.

I woke up mad again. Thanks George! What is wrong with you?

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Menu? What menu?

George, the boys and I went to Just Fresh Bakery Cafe for lunch after church today. I know the place has been around since early this year, but we hadn't gotten there to eat until today. We ordered a nice assortment of soup, wraps, sandwiches and a pizza for Matt.

The place was cute, the menu was displayed in a number of prominent places. I like that, it makes it easier for the kids to decide what they want if they can see the menu right off. They didn't have any trouble picking out what they wanted.

As I was paying for our order, a young couple came in. The young woman walked right up to the cashier, almost pushing me out of the way and said: "Do you have any banana peppers?"
No, "excuse me", or "Hi" or any greeting at all. Just "do you have any banana peppers?" The cashier and I exchanged glances, as she replied: "yes we do."

The young woman then asked: "Can you make me a wrap?" The cashier looked confused, then pointed to the menu overhead where it was plainly marked wraps and sandwiches. "Sure, just pick out the one you want, and we can make it the way you want."

The young woman paused for a moment then said; "What if I want a sandwich?"

I thought the cashier was going to laugh in her face. Really, what is wrong with you people? Read the menu already, you just walked right past three of them.

Friday, September 21, 2007

I'm really not stalking you.

Dear Person who is growing tomatoes near Matt's school;

I like to grow tomatoes too, and this year its been hard to get some good ones. What with fighting the squirrels, chipmunks and birds, its hard to harvest any without little teeth or beak marks on them. The drought and heat has been bad too.

My tomatoes don't like the weather much this year. Yours, though, seem to be doing really well. As a matter of fact, your seem to be full of red, ripe, juicy tomatoes. Its too bad you don't seem to notice this bountiful harvest. I know they are growing on the opposite side of your chain link fence from your yard, but really, they are nice tomatoes and deserve attention too.

I have watched these tomatoes grow every day since school started, and they have turned out dandy. If they were mine, they would have been BLTs a week ago.

The vines are turning brown now and those tomatoes are going to waste. What is wrong with you people? Get out there and pick those tomatoes already.


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I need a taser.

I saw that video of the college kid who got tasered. This University of Florida student was trying to ask a question. He was actually trying to cause a scene. He went over his time limit and when they asked him to leave, he refused. Of course security came to get him. He broke the rules! Then, when security tries to get him to leave, he balks. Then the tasers come out.

If he was my kid, I would have tasered him too. Anytime you break the rules, and then get belligerent about it, you pretty much deserve what you get. If a security guard grabs my elbow and asks me to leave, you better bet my butt is out the door. But then I don't usually break the rules either.

Anyway, I think I need a taser too. It would come in pretty handy at home. Kids leave their dishes on the counter... I just zap 'em. George doesn't take the garbage out... pzzzt! Back talk? I don't think so... vzzt!

What is wrong with you people?

Everybody wants to be a blogger.

I love my blog, the response has been amazing. I have gotten lots of suggestions about what to write about. I guess a lot of people wonder what is wrong with everyone. It's nice to know I'm not alone. Here is a short list of common subjects people want me to write about.

Squirrels (rats with fuzzy tails or tomato eating predators)
The car rider line, again. ( its elementary my darlings)
People who curse when calling radio shows (what did they say?)
Four board fencing (its nice for horses)
Celebrities (I am not one)

I like getting feedback, it makes me feel connected with a larger group of people. These are good ideas and I will try to use the ones I know I can write about. I feel a certain responsibility to write about things I know about. It's not always easy to come up with good ideas, but then worthwhile things aren't usually easy.

So, what is wrong with you people? Click on the comments, and let me hear from you already!

Monday, September 17, 2007

We don't talk anymore.

George and I have been busy previewing the new fall shows. The NBC lineup is on Insight OnDemand. You can check Aaron's blog to see how to download, the link is at the bottom of the page. The ones I have seen are pretty good, but I'm not an expert reviewer, I just like TV.

Anyway, I have noticed a trend that started with Lost. People on these shows don't talk to each other. All this weird stuff happens and they don't say anything. Jack's dead dad shows up, leads him to water, and he never mentions it to anyone. Me, I'd be screaming: "I just saw my Dad, and he's supposed to be dead!" But not them. They just go on, oh yeah, by the way, I found some water.

On the new show Journeyman, this guy goes time traveling for two days, and when he gets back the only thing his wife says is "I think you should leave." Huh? What happened to "Where were you?" or how about "you jerk! I had to take our son to school, and soccer practice, and his freaking piano recital, take the garbage out and maybe you should call next time you are going to be gone for two days!" I don't think the writers are as in touch with America as they think they are.

I don't expect much realism in my sci fi shows, but I do expect some normal conversations about the weird things that are going on. I like a good story, but a good story has to have roots in reality, that's what makes it believable. I think those Hollywood types have these great ideas, but no way to sustain them.

What's wrong with you Hollywood writers? Why don't you guys listen to how real people talk sometime. Maybe then your ratings will be as good as Survivor. At least on that show, people talk about what happens to them.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

That's my jacket!

George and I went to the ballet last night and saw the Magic Flute. I wore my new black slacks and my favorite jacket. Its aqua with shiny metal buttons and little pockets on the placket. I wear it a lot. We got there in enough time to go to the restrooms before the curtain went up. There is nothing to hurry you out of the ladies room like the smell of windsong and old lady farts.

We had really good seats in row G so we were pretty close to the stage. As we got settled in, I noticed the man sitting right in front of me had obviously had major ear surgery. I don't know what kind requires you to wear a soup bowl padded with cotton strapped to your head, but that's what he had on. It reminded of Princess Leia's hair.

I sat next to a man who fell asleep right off. He kept snorting, and wheezing a little so I thought of him as a wookie. He woke up when the fireworks went off.

I really enjoyed the show, it was a real bargain, three performances for one ticket. The ballet, the orchestra and the chorale from U of L. They were all really good. I just love Mozart even if according to Emperor Joseph II his music does have too many notes.

The costumes were gorgeous. I really liked the contrast between the sirens and the navigators. The blend of punk and baroque was great. I loved the velvet robe on Sarastro. I would love to wear stuff like that.

About a third of the way through the first act, as I was looking around Princess Leia, the character of Papageno made his entrance. The dancer was excellent and his costume was gorgeous. He wore red and orange pants and a really cool aqua colored jacket. I liked his jacket right off. It had shiny metal buttons and cute little pockets. He had the sleeves rolled up too. Then it hit me. That's my jacket! Papageno shops at Coldwater Creek!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Who is answering these polls?

From the recent South Carolina beauty pageant: "Recent polls have shown that 1/5th of Americans can't locate the US on a world map..." Who are they asking? Beauty pageant entrants? Pre-schoolers?

Matthew could identify the US in kindergarten, they even had to draw what the US looked like. So if they asked a pre-schooler I can see a negative response. But come on, who else are they asking?

I imagine the pollers are out at the mall stopping people with seeing eye dogs. "Excuse me sir, can you look at this map and tell me where the US is?" "What map? I can't see it, I'm blind."
"OK, that's a negative then."

Or they ask a bunch of drunks at a bar "How long ago was 9/11?" They expect a good answer from a bunch of drunks? Nobody could remember how long ago it was, but they all knew what Brad and Angelina named their kids.

Gary Roedemeier calls all the time and asks me to respond to polls. I always give him my opinion. He thinks my opinion is important. (this just fries George, I think its because someone else likes my opinions.) I try to give thoughtful and informed responses. Polls are important.

As for the rest of you, what is wrong with you people?

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

What did you really intend?

I process rent checks for my Mom's property management firm. This means when someone is late paying, I get to call and remind them they are late. It's pretty simple, all of our leases are the same. Rent is due on the first of each and every month. We say that a lot when the renter comes in to sign their new lease. If we don't get the rent by the 5th, we charge a late fee. I send out late letters on the 6th to remind everyone that hasn't paid yet.

The letter is pretty basic, pretty much what you would expect if you are a little late paying something. Around the 10th of the month, I start calling everyone who still hasn't paid. This is where things get interesting.

This month I called and left a message for a new renter, they just moved in during August. So September was their first month to send in rent. Not good to be late on the first months rent.

She called back and said she didn't appreciate getting a late letter. I explained about rent is due on the first of each and every month. She said: "I intended to be late this month, but if your going to send letters and call me, I'll just go ahead and pay now." Wow, how nice of you to pay your rent! I guess that whole talk we had about rent being due on the first kinda slipped by her.

I wish I had said "We didn't intend to rent to a delinquent" but I am trying to not be quite so sarcastic. I hear its better for my health.

What is wrong with you people?

Burger CSI

This story made me think of 2 things. This first was when I had to scrape all the lemon pepper off Matthew's fish the other night. He couldn't eat it with all the spices. He's 6, so I scraped, the 15 year old, had to eat the spices anyway.

The second thing is do you really think the guys at the crime lab are really testing that burger? Don't they have some murder to solve or something? That's a real good use of taxpayer money.

UNION CITY, Ga. - A McDonald's employee spent a night in jail and is facing criminal charges because a police officer's burger was too salty, so salty that he says it made him sick.

Kendra Bull was arrested Friday, charged with misdemeanor reckless conduct and freed on $1,000 bail.Bull, 20, said she accidentally spilled salt on hamburger meat and told her supervisor and a co-worker, who "tried to thump the salt off." On her break, she ate a burger made with the salty meat. "It didn't make me sick," Bull told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

But then Police Officer Wendell Adams got a burger made with the oversalted meat, and he returned a short time later and told the manager it made him sick.

Bull admitted spilling salt on the meat, and Adams took her outside and questioned her, she said."If it was too salty, why did (Adams) not take one bite and throw it away?" said Bull, who has worked at the restaurant for five months. She said she didn't know a police officer got one of the salty burgers because she couldn't see the drive-through window from her work area.

Police said samples of the burger were sent to the state crime lab for tests.City public information officer George Louth said Bull was charged because she served the burger "without regards to the well-being of anyone who might consume it."

Thanks to Sue Bione-Grevious for the article.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Car rider line nazi

I just took my 6 year old, Matthew, to school. He goes to a traditional program school, they stress discipline, academics and patriotism. They stress following the rules. We like that, so that's why we sent our sons there.

In the car rider drop off line, things are supposed to be simple, you enter the lot, turn left, choose a line (there are only 2 ), and wait your turn. The security guard signals you when to let your kid out, and when to move to the exit line. You stay in your car, your kid gets out and goes to school. Its simple, safe and effective. It should only take 5 minutes tops. If everyone follows the rules.

This morning things were worse than usual. We have always had a few people who didn't follow the rules. Parked in the middle, walked their kids across the flow of traffic, that sort of thing. Not too bad usually. Not today. Today it was chaos. Parents were trying to back out of the car rider line, driving against the flow of traffic, letting kids out in the middle of the lot. It felt like chaos to me. I hate that.

The principal came out as I was leaving to try and restore order. I didn't envy her job right then.

What is wrong with you people? Just follow the rules, sheesh, its not hard!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

I am trying to not hate panhandlers

I was at the grocery store yesterday, back by the Popsicles, when a large older man asked me for money. He said: "Do you have any spare cash I can have?" I said: "No, I don't, sorry." I hate when people ask me for money.

I finished my shopping and went to the check out lines, the man was at the customer service counter trying to get cash back from a gift card. I watched him as he approached about six people in the self scan line. You could see his progress of disruption as people moved around him to either avoid him or get out of his way.

He came over to the line I was in and began to question the fellow bagging groceries, he then moved up the aisle to the lady in front of me unloading her cart. He wanted her to use his gift card and give him her cash. She refused.

He pushed past her and took a hold of my cart, he asked me the same, would I use his gift card and give him the cash. I said: "No, sorry, I can't help you right now."
By now I was more than a little irritated, he was disrupting a crowded, slow grocery check out. All I wanted to do was pay for my stuff and go home. I am sure most of the people checking out heard me say : " Can't the office help you with that?"

One of the managers heard me and came over to shoo the guy out of the store. As soon as he left, I began to regret not helping him out. What if he needed the money for his electric bill? Or to catch up his rent or something.

At home, I told my husband how awful I was feeling. I hate that feeling you get after something happens, that you could have made a difference if you had acted differently. I thought I had missed my chance to do a good deed.

My hubby said that the guy probably wanted the money for liquor or drugs, churches and other organizations give out gift cards to people who come in asking for food. But you can't use them for liquor or cigarettes. He didn't seem to mind that I didn't enable this man.
That's why I love him. My husband that is, not the panhandler.