Friday, September 21, 2007

I'm really not stalking you.

Dear Person who is growing tomatoes near Matt's school;

I like to grow tomatoes too, and this year its been hard to get some good ones. What with fighting the squirrels, chipmunks and birds, its hard to harvest any without little teeth or beak marks on them. The drought and heat has been bad too.

My tomatoes don't like the weather much this year. Yours, though, seem to be doing really well. As a matter of fact, your seem to be full of red, ripe, juicy tomatoes. Its too bad you don't seem to notice this bountiful harvest. I know they are growing on the opposite side of your chain link fence from your yard, but really, they are nice tomatoes and deserve attention too.

I have watched these tomatoes grow every day since school started, and they have turned out dandy. If they were mine, they would have been BLTs a week ago.

The vines are turning brown now and those tomatoes are going to waste. What is wrong with you people? Get out there and pick those tomatoes already.


Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I need a taser.

I saw that video of the college kid who got tasered. This University of Florida student was trying to ask a question. He was actually trying to cause a scene. He went over his time limit and when they asked him to leave, he refused. Of course security came to get him. He broke the rules! Then, when security tries to get him to leave, he balks. Then the tasers come out.

If he was my kid, I would have tasered him too. Anytime you break the rules, and then get belligerent about it, you pretty much deserve what you get. If a security guard grabs my elbow and asks me to leave, you better bet my butt is out the door. But then I don't usually break the rules either.

Anyway, I think I need a taser too. It would come in pretty handy at home. Kids leave their dishes on the counter... I just zap 'em. George doesn't take the garbage out... pzzzt! Back talk? I don't think so... vzzt!

What is wrong with you people?

Everybody wants to be a blogger.

I love my blog, the response has been amazing. I have gotten lots of suggestions about what to write about. I guess a lot of people wonder what is wrong with everyone. It's nice to know I'm not alone. Here is a short list of common subjects people want me to write about.

Squirrels (rats with fuzzy tails or tomato eating predators)
The car rider line, again. ( its elementary my darlings)
People who curse when calling radio shows (what did they say?)
Four board fencing (its nice for horses)
Celebrities (I am not one)

I like getting feedback, it makes me feel connected with a larger group of people. These are good ideas and I will try to use the ones I know I can write about. I feel a certain responsibility to write about things I know about. It's not always easy to come up with good ideas, but then worthwhile things aren't usually easy.

So, what is wrong with you people? Click on the comments, and let me hear from you already!

Monday, September 17, 2007

We don't talk anymore.

George and I have been busy previewing the new fall shows. The NBC lineup is on Insight OnDemand. You can check Aaron's blog to see how to download, the link is at the bottom of the page. The ones I have seen are pretty good, but I'm not an expert reviewer, I just like TV.

Anyway, I have noticed a trend that started with Lost. People on these shows don't talk to each other. All this weird stuff happens and they don't say anything. Jack's dead dad shows up, leads him to water, and he never mentions it to anyone. Me, I'd be screaming: "I just saw my Dad, and he's supposed to be dead!" But not them. They just go on, oh yeah, by the way, I found some water.

On the new show Journeyman, this guy goes time traveling for two days, and when he gets back the only thing his wife says is "I think you should leave." Huh? What happened to "Where were you?" or how about "you jerk! I had to take our son to school, and soccer practice, and his freaking piano recital, take the garbage out and maybe you should call next time you are going to be gone for two days!" I don't think the writers are as in touch with America as they think they are.

I don't expect much realism in my sci fi shows, but I do expect some normal conversations about the weird things that are going on. I like a good story, but a good story has to have roots in reality, that's what makes it believable. I think those Hollywood types have these great ideas, but no way to sustain them.

What's wrong with you Hollywood writers? Why don't you guys listen to how real people talk sometime. Maybe then your ratings will be as good as Survivor. At least on that show, people talk about what happens to them.