Friday, September 5, 2008

I may have been too hasty.

Perhaps I was wrong. Don't laugh, it happens on occasion that I am wrong, and I always try to 'fess up right away. Don't ask George about this, he doesn't have a very good memory in these cases. They happen so rarely I am not surprised.

In this case it isn't too bad really. I have discovered that perhaps cake may have a very close runner up in my obsession file. The caramel apple pie from Homemade Ice Cream and Pie Kitchen has entered into my "must eat this" file. This pie is really too good. I think its the caramel icing that does it. That icing is good even if it isn't on a cake. The insides of the pie are nice and apple - y so it holds up well under that thick layer of caramel goodness.

You should probably try one for yourself, really the only way to tell if you are a cake person or a pie person is to eat a lot of each. If you happen to stop into the Pie Kitchen , don't let yourself get distracted by all that ice cream though, really the only use for ice cream is to fill up your cake plate, and if you make your cake slice big enough you don't even need it then! Of course if someone could figure out a way to put icing on ice cream I would eat that, oh wait, I already do! Thanks DQ. Really anything with icing is good. MMmmm icing.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

My newest obsession

Cake! I have been spending far too much time on cake. My life has been cakes 24/7 lately. I don't know why, but it may have started with my new Bundt pan. Since then, I have been looking at sites about cakes, thinking of cakes to make, making cakes, and of course eating them.
Somebody needs to stop me!