Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I need a taser.

I saw that video of the college kid who got tasered. This University of Florida student was trying to ask a question. He was actually trying to cause a scene. He went over his time limit and when they asked him to leave, he refused. Of course security came to get him. He broke the rules! Then, when security tries to get him to leave, he balks. Then the tasers come out.

If he was my kid, I would have tasered him too. Anytime you break the rules, and then get belligerent about it, you pretty much deserve what you get. If a security guard grabs my elbow and asks me to leave, you better bet my butt is out the door. But then I don't usually break the rules either.

Anyway, I think I need a taser too. It would come in pretty handy at home. Kids leave their dishes on the counter... I just zap 'em. George doesn't take the garbage out... pzzzt! Back talk? I don't think so... vzzt!

What is wrong with you people?

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