Sunday, November 4, 2007

That's so unfair!

We had to get a new cell phone for Zachary today. It only took 2 hours, so we felt lucky. It was a loooong time in the T-mobile store. Matthew loved looking at the phones and figuring out how to play the games. By the time we were ready to leave, he was convinced he needed to be the first 6 year old to have a cell phone. He was pretty disappointed we didn't agree.

As we were driving home, Zach was texting all his buddies about his new phone. He was enjoying hearing all the new ring tones too. He plans to get this girl's phone number with his new line "Hey, I have a new cell, and need to get your number in it." He thinks he is real smooth with the ladies now. Matthew was pretty envious he couldn't call his friends too.

From the back seat we hear very softly, "the pain, it burns". I didn't say anything at first, then a second later we hear a little louder: "the pain, it burrrrns me."
George and I look at each other, then to the back seat. "The paaaaiiin, it burrrrrns me." "If only I could have a phone like Zach's, it wouldn't burrrrrrn so much!"

What is wrong you people?

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