Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Quick! Look the other way!

The parks department is building a new walking path through Joe Creason Park. I can't wait for them to be done with it. I have walked in that park for years, and this is really going to be a great upgrade. No more wet shoes from walking in the dewy grass. No more tripping over tree roots. I will be there on opening day for sure.

Last night on our way home I noticed a lot of people already using the path. Quite a few of them had their dogs with them too. We stopped in the park for a little bit, Matt likes to play on the swings.

I was watching this lady with her dog, who was obviously doing its business. As soon as this dog dropped its behind, she looked the other way. At first I thought she didn't want to embarrass her dog. I guess maybe her dog was shy, and couldn't go if it was being watched. I know I don't like to go in public, maybe her dog has the same issues.

I thought that until I noticed every time the dog went, she looked the other way and then never looked back at what her dog did. I guess she thought if she didn't see it, she didn't have to clean it up. I didn't see it, so its not there. I don't know what she thought but after a couple of poos from her dog I began to see the pattern. Dog makes move to go, lady's head whips the other way. Once her dog was too quick, and I thought she was going to get whiplash.

I like dogs, I have a dog. I clean up after my dog. I don't think its very nice to leave little "presents" for other people to step in or have to clean up. What is wrong with you people?

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