Monday, October 1, 2007

You think that hurt?

I was at Matthew's soccer practice today and I overheard two men talking. I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but they were loud and right behind me. I couldn't not hear their conversation. They were comparing their weeks and one guy won, he passed a kidney stone.

He went on and on about how painful it was, and how long it took to pass. He didn't think he got enough pain medicine and he wasn't happy about it either. From the way he described the pain, I thought he must have passed a cantaloupe sized stone.

He told the other guy, he thought it was as big as an acorn or larger. He was quite surprised when the nurse showed it to him. It was so small he could hardly see it.

At this point, I could hardly contain my laughter, any woman could have talked him through that, we all know the drill. "Blow through the pain dear." or how about "It will all be worth it when you are done."

I wanted to tell them about the woman who just had her 5th baby. That in itself is a feat, but this one weighed 17 lbs!

Kidney stone? What is wrong with you people?

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